All The latest news on The Rocky Roads animation, Bobby Pinwheel and Feast of Fools!
1-22-24 – Bobby Pinwheel and Kerplunky! are streaming for FREE for a limited time! Click the link for the awesome new Cabane à Sang TV site full of insane shorts from around the world!
8-28-24 – Bobby Pinwheel playing at The Concorto Festival in Piacenza, Italy. Cool festival where you sit outside in the park and watch the insane shorts with headphones!
Bobby Pinkwheel!
7-31-24 – Bobby Pinwheel won’t die! Special screening at the Concorto Film Festival in collaboration with Cine Underground August 17-24!
9-21-23 – Kerplunky! Opening for The Sound of Summer at Cine Underground in Italy!
5-5-23 – Excited to be returning to Cine Underground Film Festival in Busto Arsizio Italy!
3-31-2023 – Kerplunky! going to the legendary Fantaspoa Film Festival in Brazil!
3-9-2023 – Bobby Pinwheel sequel! It’s mallet time!
3-9-2023 – Fun review of Bobby Pinwheel at Bloody Flicks!
1-29-2023 – New clown for our follow up to Bobby Pinwheel!
11-1-2022 – The full Rocky Roads series is now available for the first time ever on Troma Now! From the Slamdance film festival to screenings around the world check out our 5 part series!
10-29-2022 – Join us on November 1st! The Rocky Roads is streaming on Troma Now next month! See the festival favorite in its insane entirety! #therockyroads #bobbypinwheel #kerplunky! #troma #tromanow
10-12-2022 Thanks Spooky Empire for the Animated Antics nomination for Kerplunky!
10-11-2022 Kerplunky! Is excited to be nominated for Vomit-Inducing at Spooky Empire Horror Film Festival. We are touched!
10-7-2022 – Kerplunky! Spooky Empire on Friday the 21st of October. 10PM as part of the WTF!? Block!
10-4-2022 – Kerplunky! On for the Animated Nightmares block at the Nightmares Film Festival. Check this madness out on October 21st at the Gateway Film Center. #kerplunky! #bobbypinwheel #therockyroads #betterhorror #nightmaresfilmfestival #gatewayfilmcenter
9-22-2022 – Kerplunky! Will be playing at the legendary Spooky Empire! Excited to be back! This will be one of the last chances to see this bad boy on the big screen before it goes back into the Bobby Pinwheel Studio vaults!
9-19-2022 – Another amazing Animation block at The Coney Island Film Festival. #coneyislandfilmfestival #kerplunky #bobbypinwheel #stopmotionbrooklyn #brooklynfilmmaker
9-16-2022 – Hooray! Very excited to be returning to the “Cannes of Horror” Nightmares Film Festival at the beautiful Gateway Film Center in Columbus, Ohio.
9-6-2022 – Insane line up for Coney Island Film Festival! Check out our new film Kerplunky! Buy tickets here!
8-19-2022 – Excited to be nominated for Best Animation at GenreBlast!
8-12-2022 – Kerplunky! is heading to The Coney Island Film Festival! This festival has a special place in my heart as they played our first film Feast of Fools back in 2004!
8-12-2022 – Watch Bobby Pinwheel Saturday the 13th virtually as part of Popcorn Frights Film Festival. This animation block is chock full of amazing films!
7-29-2022 – Kerplunky! is going to GenreBlast! So excited to be playing there again. Come out and see this insanity at the Alamo Drafthouse in Winchester, Virginia!
7-27-2022 – Bobby Pinwheel is excited to play at Popcorn Frights! You can watch this bad boy virtually on August 13th!
7-12-2022 – TromaDance this weekend at the Mahoning Drive in! Check out your boy Bobby Sunday night!
6-5-2022 – Bobby Pinwheel is going to Tromadance at the legendary Mahoning Drive-in July 17th! Almost 20 years ago Bobby Pinwheel appeared at Tromadance in the classic midnight short Feast of Fools! #bobbypinwheel #feastoffools #tromadance #claymationhorror #stopmotionhorror #brooklynfilmmaker
5-26-2022 – Bobby Pinwheel is going to Italy! Happy to be part of Cine Underground.
5-3-2022 – Theater is buzzing in Lisbon Portugal. It’s the premiere of our new film Kerplunky!
5-3-2022 – IndieLisboa Boca Do Inferno trailer for Kerplunky!
4-17-2022 -Excited to play Bobby Pinwheel at the Cabane À Sang online Mixed Meats festival starting April 21-25.
4-16-2022 – Very excited to have our European premiere for our new film Kerplunky! At the IndieLisboa International Film Festival in their Boca do Inferno section. We love this festival! #kerplunky! #bobbypinwheel #therockyroads #feastoffools #indielisboa #indielisboa2022 #stopmotionhorror #brooklynanimator
4-1-2022 – Bobby Pinwheel is excited to be playing at the legendary Fantaspoa film festival in Brazil!
3-17-2022 – Trailer for our new film Kerplunky! Hitting up a few festivals soon!
3-14-2022 – Famed newsman Breck Berman reporting breaking news in the Bobby Pinwheel case! The second installment of our Bobby Pinwheel series is filming!
1-27-2022 – That time Bobby Pinwheel was on the cover of Dread Central!
12-29-2021 – Bobby Pinwheel at the beautiful Gateway Theater for Nightmares Film Festival in Columbus, Ohio.
12-2-2021 – Bobby Pinwheel Teaser at IndieLisoba.
11-30-2021 – Bobby Pinwheel is playing at Monster Fest in the Trasharama program this weekend in Australia!
10-20-2021 – Nominated for best Midnight Short at Nightmares Film Festival! We’ll be there this weekend!
10-14-2021 – Spoooooooky Empire!
9-25-2021 – Bobby Pinwheel is very excited to be playing at the Nightmares FilmFestival!
9-25-2021 – Bobby is off to the Atlanta Horror Film Festival!
8-29-2021 Some reviews and our teaser!
8-28-2021 – Rolling along.
8-28-2021 – Sydney Underground Film Festival!
8-15-2021 – That’s a wrap! First four episodes of our new series is complete! Kerplunky!
8-13-2021 – Been a strange roll for our little stop motion film Bobby Pinwheel! We’ve been translated in five different languages and are about to hit our fourth continent! Check out our fancy page for Indielisboa
7-31-2021- Off to Genre Blast in September!
7-21-2021 – Bobby Pinwheel is going to Indie Lisboa to play in their Mouth of Madness section with one of our heroes Mario Bava!
7-11-2021 – Bobby Pinwheel traveling to The Netherlands for the BUT Film Festival!
7-3-2021 – Excited to be at the Grossmann Film Fest!
6-5-2021 – Bobby Pinwheel is traveling the world! Chile, Portugal, Slovenia and Germany! Where will Bobby show up next?
5-23-2021 – Bobby Pinwheel South American premiere at the Fixion fest in Chile!
4-29-21 – We’re shocked to be reviewed as the stand out film of the Grindsploitation Film Fest!
4-25-2021 – Bobby Pinwheel won Best Animation at the Grindsploitation Film Fest!¬if_t=live_video_schedule_viewer&ref=notif
4-3-2021-Finishing up editing for new animated series Kerplunky!
3-28-21 – Animating new project and using Culture Hustle the blackest paint in the world for dramatic effect.
3-5-21 – Bobby Pinwheel Kinetoscope teaser!
3-3-21 – Bobby Pinwheel is excited to go to the Grindsploitation Film Fest at the Alamo Drafthouse in Winchester, VA!
2-27-21 – Bobby Pinwheel teaser shot on 16mm!
1-20-21 – Where will Bobby show up next?!
1-8-2021 – Bobby Pinwheel is playing at the Fixion Fest in Chile!
Watch The Rocky Roads in Just Enough Lentils at The Coney Island Film Festival! All virtual edition September 22, 2020 – October 2, 2020!
August 2020 – Wrapping up production on Bobby Pinwheel with an insane special effect which includes fake blood, long tubing and a huge syringe!
August 2020 – The Rocky Roads finale, Just Enough Lentils, is a selection for The Coney Island Film Festival!

November 2019 – Animation tests.
November 2019 – Bobby Pinwheel Studio is ready to roll!
September 11 2019 – Time Lapse of an episode of The Rocky Roads!
September 7 2019 – Oh boy! Production has started on the sequel to the infamous Midnight Movie classic Feast of Fools!
September 7 – 2019 – Last character complete!
September 7 – 2019 – The Rocky Roads will be screening at The Alamo Drafthouse in Austin Texas on September 15th! We are up for best animation!
August 18, 2019. 15 years later he’s back! The sequel to the Midnight hit Feast of Fools distributed by Troma films coming soon!
Augest 13 2019 – New puppet for new film!
August 13, 2019 – Behind the scenes shooting of The Rocky Roads on our kitchen table.
August 13, 2019 – Bobby Pinwheel Movie bits and pieces. New characters for new film!
August 12, 2019 – Set building on a $60.00 DIY animation Stand. The Rocky Roads, The Happy Go Gang, Bobby Pinwheel new set up!
August 11, 2019 – Our new film – The Happy Go Gang – will be premiering at The Coney Island Film Festival on September 15!
August 2nd, 2019 – The Happy Go Gang
July 26th, 2019 – Austin Micro Short Film Festival – The Rocky Roads animation – September 15th, 2019 –
The Rocky Roads: A Stomach Full of Western Juice! A Rocky Roads animation!
July 6, 2019
Bobby Pinwheel The Movie storyboard; going into production August.
Shooting The Rocky Roads: A Stomach Full of Western Juice. Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera to a Black Magic Monitor. Using a Logitech webcam and IstopMotion Pro for onion skinning.

3/10/19 Syringe and tubing to make Mr. K. vomit in The Rocky Roads.
3/10/19 – Behind the scenes making Bobby explode with a syringe, tubing and fake blood for The Rocky Roads episode 1 animation.

The Rocky Roads Return to the Too Drunk To Watch film festival in Berlin Germany! Schedule coming soon.
Talking about those Rocky Roads at Slamdance 2019 episodes animation interview. Why The Rocky Roads? Why animation? What were The Banana Splits? All revealed!
George shits himself at Slamdance!
Ever wonder what Bobby Pinwheel has been up to? The sequel to the legendary midnight short Feast of Fools coming soon!
Where were you during the disastrous last episode of The Happy Go Gang Variety Show?!
Something new is brewing! Brand new armatures!
The Rocky Roads custom courier bag!
The Rocky Roads hand numbered vomit bags!!
Rob Kleinschmidt talking about puking puppets and his film The Rocky Roads at the Slamdance film festival!

The Rocky Roads is going to Park City Utah for Slamdance January 25th – 31st 2019!

Some HUGE festivals coming up for The Rocky Roads. Time to start stamping some vomit bags!

The Rocky Roads plays The Midwest Horror Fest October 26 and we are heading to Brazil for the Halloween Baile Macabro Film Festival October 29th. Oh, and look out for some Rocky Roads action in the 15 Second Horror Festival!
The Rocky Roads is playing before Peter Jackson’s infamous Meet The Feebles in Memphis on October 26th!
Cinematic Panic
Get your Official Rocky Roads vomit bags at The Coney Island Film Festival This Sunday at 1:00 PM EST!
The Rocky Roads Return! is premiering at the Coney Island Film Festival September 16th during the Animation Block at 1:00 PM EST. Join us and pick up a complimentary vomit bag while supplies last!